Social Network

7 Ways That Your Small Business Can Win on Pinterest

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et dicit labitur qui, sea option facilisi an. Justo definiebas interpretaris at quo, qui putant nominavi mediocrem ut, cu repudiare persecuti pro. Ei his nonumes scriptorem, te quo dicunt detracto.

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Should a Startup Ever Splurge on Logo Design?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et dicit labitur qui, sea option facilisi an. Justo definiebas interpretaris at quo, qui putant nominavi mediocrem ut, cu repudiare persecuti pro. Ei his nonumes scriptorem, te quo dicunt detracto.

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Search Engines

Everything You Need To Know About The Google-Twitter Partnership

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et dicit labitur qui, sea option facilisi an. Justo definiebas interpretaris at quo, qui putant nominavi mediocrem ut, cu repudiare persecuti pro. Ei his nonumes scriptorem, te quo dicunt detracto.

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Why Pop-Ups Are Getting Even More Popular

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et dicit labitur qui, sea option facilisi an. Justo definiebas interpretaris at quo, qui putant nominavi mediocrem ut, cu repudiare persecuti pro. Ei his nonumes scriptorem, te quo dicunt detracto.

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Advanced Business Success With A Proven Online Marketing Strategy

Advanced Business Success With A Proven Online Marketing Strategy

It is no secret that online marketing has become a major area of focus in today’s business climate. Because so much is done online by just about everyone, online media is inevitably going to be a part of any company’s branding or advertising efforts.

If you are looking for an online marketing strategy or two, Darren Tunstall is the individual to look at for help. Darren owns the Marketing Media Planner blog, as well as the author of the bestseller, SOLD! A Proven Social Media Strategy for Generating Real Estate Leads. Darren specializes in different types of online marketing strategies, including content marketing and social media marketing. These types of online marketing are key nowadays in the success of just about any business.

If you are in need of a content marketing strategy, Darren can definitely offer some pointers that would help just about anyone in this situation. A big part of content marketing these days lies and SEO, or search engine optimization. Essentially, this is the use of certain keywords within content on webpages that will drive the pages to the top of any list of search results in search engines. This is very helpful for business purposes, since potential clients will be much more likely to find your web page in the first place if it is at the top of a list of search results. They generally will not scroll down past the first page on a search engine. SEO involves the changing and evolution of relevant keywords, so the keywords in a web page will need to change every once in a while in order to stay at the top of a list of search results.

Social media marketing is also very important for any business in this day and age. Almost everyone has at least one social media account, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any others. It can really behoove a business to have a presence on these sites, so that potential clients will have just one other way of seeing what they have to offer. Having Facebook and Twitter accounts will also allow businesses to post updates that can help them win over clients, and they can use these accounts to let everyone know new things that they have to offer. Darren has a lot of great advice to offer on this as well, which is why it would be very helpful to read any material that he has written on the subject.

Darren Tunstall is most certainly an authority when it comes to various online marketing strategies, and he has used these strategies to achieve great financial success for himself. Individuals who follow his lead can do the same.

“Let’s Plan Your Content Marketing.” Contact Darren Tunstall, Marketing Media Planner, to create your content marketing plan, write your content, and schedule it to post to your WordPress site.

Content Marketing Media Planner

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Build Your Brand With the Help of a Content Marketing Expert

Build Your Brand With the Help of a Content Marketing Expert

If your main goal is learning the very latest in content marketing strategies, a good place to start is right here on the The Marketing Media Planner Blog. You can learn about social media marketing, article marketing, video marketing, press release marketing, and blog commenting as well as numerous other types of online content marketing strategies. I am the author of the best selling ‘SOLD! A Proven Social Media Strategy for Generating Real Estate Leads’. I originally started his lucrative career in real estate, generating millions of dollars in sales via social media and blogging, without any sort of plan.  Now, I have one and have developed it over time for others to follow.  Check out some of the things that I have previously written about:

  • Learn the Latest in Content Marketing Strategy
    An effective and well-researched marketing plan that includes content marketing and a social media strategy creates an environment from which to build your brand and loyalty of your visitors. Regular, ongoing content updates keep your readers informed and helps to build more readership. Online marketing success tends to build over time and can transform your company into sustainable and viable enterprise for many years.
  • Build Your Brand Today: Content Marketing for Web 2.0
    Content marketing, social media marketing and creating a successful marketing media plan are needed to build your brand and will lead to brand recognition and becoming a valuable resource. Using the articles at will help you build your brand.
  • Develop Your Online Presence with a Marketing Media Master
    Darren Tunstall’s Marketing Media Planner website and blog helps businesses become savvy and successful content marketing and social media marketing professionals through podcasts, how-to articles and other tools developed from his own successful real estate marketing efforts.
  • Solve Your Content Marketing Problem with an Expert
    Professional help in constructing a marketing plan for your company or business is just a click away when you visit Bestselling author Darren Tunstall shares his expertise as a consultant and marketing media manager at his blog.

Traditional marketing tactics, like radio spots, magazines, newspapers, and television ads, have become nearly irrelevant in recent years and have been replaced by Internet marketing for the most part. Visitors to your website are looking to specific websites to answer their questions on a variety of subjects and they are actually thirsty for that information. Savvy Internet marketers understand that you need to be giving them excellent content that is relevant, so that it will leave your readers wanting more. For building your brand, you need to improve your connection with your target audience and make your brand easily recognizable with a viable marketing plan.

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Solve Your Content Marketing Problem with an Expert

Solve Your Content Marketing Problem with an Expert

Most people feel as if their business is a physical part of their being requiring thought, effort, organizational skills and time, with time being the most expensive resource you have. Even while enjoying the benefits of a personal life, your business is still a part of your life that does more than provide earnings and challenges for you to excel at solving, as part of running a productive, valuable company. Time management skills are needed to live a well-rounded life. Part of time management include hiring experts to handle things that will make your business more viable and give you time to do the thing you are an expert at doing, running your company or business.

Whether working in a small, medium or large business, time management means working with other professionals who have expertise that will benefit and profit your company and business efforts. Just keeping up with the status quo of business operations mean marketing and promoting your company or business through the internet to establish your brand and business image. Allowing your customers to handle matters at your company website is an effective and efficient solution. Finding an expert at handling the many tasks that will improve the efficiency of customer relations, attract new customers and broaden your company’s base of operations will pay off many times over. Sometime the best decision a busy business professional can make is to outsource tasks and activities to grow the business while they continue to devote their time to running the company that is so much a part of them. Finding the right professional for the job will lead to more time for business and home as well as broadening and growing the business and establishing its brand and image online.

Finding an expert you can trust in these matters may mean checking with people like yourself, ready to capitalize on promoting and branding their company or business image as they continue to run their business. Darrel Tunstall, owner of the Marketing Media Planner blog and the # 1 Bestselling author of “Sold! A Proven Social Media Strategy for Generating Real Estate Leads”, offers you the benefit of his knowledge at his website free of charge. Darren generated millions in closed sales transaction using blogging and social media and he shares what years of experience has taught him on his blog. Exploring the website through the links to topics or clicking the “Start Here” option will give you access to free articles on topics including content and social media marketing, marketing strategies including podcast, article and press release marketing and other ways of getting your company or business recognized as a unique entity that provides quality products, attentive customer service and expert knowledge of your industry, giving back by sharing your knowledge and expertise. Visit Darren Tunstall’s Marketing Media Planner Blog to gain insight into how to make your business known as a quality brand, gain greater exposure to potential customers and help you communicate better with your current customers.

“Let’s Plan Your Content Marketing.” Contact Darren Tunstall, Marketing Media Planner, to create your content marketing plan, write your content, and schedule it to post to your WordPress site.

Content Marketing Media Planner

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Develop Your Online Presence with a Marketing Media Master

Develop Your Online Presence with a Marketing Media Master

These days, it’s virtually impossible to build a thriving business without a viable online identity. Building that identity takes hard work that includes a number of different components, all of which fall under the auspices of content marketing. With the Marketing Media Planner blog, visitors will learn what elements are essential in a media marketing plan, including how to market articles, press releases, video and much more.

Darren Tunstall, author of the best-selling book “SOLD! A Proven Social Media Strategy for Generating Real Estate Leads,” is the force behind the Marketing Media Planner blog. Tunstall,is also a top seller on a major website where he gets an average of 450 to 550 new clients every month for his media consulting business that focuses on planning online marketing strategies and SEO content. By subscribing to the blog you’ll get the expertise of the man who generated millions of dollars in real estate transactions after just several months in the business, simply by using blogging and social media marketing as tools.

Tunstall’s site is set up to show both new and seasoned professionals now to identify what products and services they want to promote online and how to do so successfully. The methods used to disseminate this information not only consists of blogs, but also podcasts, how-to articles and recommendations on how to set up a website, select a domain name and which sites are best for web hosting. The blog portion of the website provides the latest trends in content marketing and social media marketing, along with further recommendations on how to achieve business goals.

Savvy online marketing encompasses many different components. Before plugging in those components, a marketing plan with identifiable answers is needed. Simply jumping online and blogging about anything that comes to mind about a product or service won’t fill the bill and can end up in disaster. Tunstall’s expertise can help businesses with essential steps to building an online business, developing voice and authority in blogs and other online content, presentations, videos, emails, social media discussions, blog comments, building databases, tracking results, targeting niches and virtually every other aspect of online content generation and discussion.

Additionally, readers can contact Tunstall for his services as a content media manager, to create a marketing media plan as well as schedule, write and post engaging new content to customer websites. Tunstall’s services are ideal for marketing departments, web developers and designers, SEO companies, corporate marketing departments and anyone who has a WordPress blog to promote goods, services and personalities.

“Let’s Plan Your Content Marketing.” Contact Darren Tunstall, Marketing Media Planner, to create your content marketing plan, write your content, and schedule it to post to your WordPress site.

Content Marketing Media Planner

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Build Your Brand Today: Content Marketing for Web 2.0

Build Your Brand Today: Content Marketing for Web 2.0

To build your brand, you must first ask yourself some serious questions about your business and your target audience in order to create a marketing media plan that has the qualities that lead to growth, a better relationship with your target audience and the constant, persistent sustainable development of your brand image. Once you have the representational image concepts of your company, your audience will identify you with these concepts, such as your logo, color scheme, letterhead and signage. These elements make your company quick and easy to recognize. People began to recognize your business from its content marketing and social media marketing efforts and offerings. Your content and social media marketing will also represent your brand and help establish expectations and perceptions to all you engage. Your brand must be built through consistent brand imaging, meeting the expectations of the consumers of your products as well as those who visit your website and social media pages, and offering consumers something of value, other than consumer goods, products and services.

Through content media marketing, you become an expert resource that consumers can turn to for information and advice. Writing articles that provide guidance, needed information and advice to your audience is the idea behind content marketing and adds to the value of your brand. The question that can guide your effort is, “What do my audience really want and need to know?” You will ask this question repeatedly at intervals to ensure you continue to serve the needs of current and potential customers. Maintaining a positive brand image and reputation through changing times, markets and industry focuses are also part of the challenge. These changes will be reflected in the content of your articles as well as how you change your marketing plan.

Using social media marketing has many advantages. Through social media your target audience is talking back, sharing with their friends and making your brand known to more and more people. Your blog and social media content is not only a way to engage your reader with your company, it also is search engine friendly, which will make your company accessible to more and more people. You will gain more and more attention for your brand through social media sites including Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and from your articles and blog post, with SEO providing the right information about your business, products and services. Content marketing through e-mail, newsletters, pictures and video should all be consistent with your brand identity and creates interest in your company, products and services.
Be sure to use the articles at this site,, to gain greater knowledge and more insight into creating your marketing plan. If you have any questions or need help in any aspect of your marketing plan, don’t hesitate to contact me and we can discuss your issues, problems or plans to build your brand and its reputation.

“Let’s Plan Your Content Marketing.” Contact Darren Tunstall, Marketing Media Planner, to create your content marketing plan, write your content, and schedule it to post to your WordPress site.

Content Marketing Media Planner

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Content Marketing Strategies Marketing

Learn the Latest in Content Marketing Strategy

Learn the Latest in Content Marketing Strategy

Marketing, as we know it, some say, is no longer effective, which makes it a bad investment. The truth is marketing is still widely effective and very popular. The success of any marketing plan depends upon the type used and the responsiveness of the target audience. This last sentence highlights two very important areas of successful marketing.

Marketing in the traditional sense, such as TV ads, newspapers, magazines, and radio spots lost their relevance over time, replaced in large part by Internet advertising. The reach of the Internet and the marketing techniques proved a boon to many advertisers. However, over time, typical Internet banner ads eventually lost their effectiveness due to what some call, “banner blindness.” With so many websites using banner ads for advertising caused most people to begin ignoring them altogether. Of course, this troubling trend screamed for an answer.

Website visitors thirst for information and look to certain websites to find answers to their questions or find solutions to problems. After all, the Internet is the world’s largest source of information. Smart Internet marketers understand this and instead of boring their readers with useless ads, they write great content that compels their readers to learn more. What’s more, savvy marketers learned early on that fresh, relevant content is crucial in keeping their readers coming back. Content marketing is the solution to banner blindness and other ineffective types of Internet advertising.

Content is King

After ads lost their effectiveness, all that was left was the content surrounding the ads. The welcome effect of great content cause readers to remember where they received the information, and over time, trust begins to build as readers now turn to your website for specific information. Once this loyalty takes hold of your readers, your content begins to build your brand. The lasting effect of engaging and relevant content garners repeated visits and encourages wide recognition of your offering. The fact that content is king becomes more apparent as your readers begin to appreciate that your content is always fresh and up-to-date, and more importantly, is targeted directly to them.

Social Media Marketing

As your content marketing strategy matures and develops into an indispensable tool to fuel your marketing success, failing to recognize the immense power of social media marketing could cause your online business success to stagnate. The point is that social media is a vehicle to present and share the content that your business creates. Additionally, your great content is so compelling that your readers want to share it with their friends. Social media is a very active environment and if your content is interesting and shareable, it will find its place among those interested in your product or offering. This eventually leads to better name recognition and loyalty by your readers.

“Let’s Plan Your Content Marketing.” Contact a Marketing Media Planner, to create your content marketing plan, write your content, and schedule it to post to your WordPress site.

Content Marketing Media Planner

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