Category : Blog

Blog Blogging Internet and Businesses Online

6 Reasons It’s Important To “Reply To” All Comments On Your Blog

6 Reasons It's Important To Reply To All Comments On Your Blog

One of the common mistakes that people make with their own blog
is not paying enough attention to the comments people leave.

They either don’t respond or they take too long to post a reply.

Or even worse, they don’t allow people to post comments at all.

Get A WordPress Blog And Encourage Comments

Get A WordPress Blog And Encourage Comments

Those are all BIG mistakes and you are about to find out why.

1. Proves You Are A Real Person

The first benefit to replying to all of the comments that people
leave is that it proves you are a real person.

People prefer to deal with people rather than businesses that
don’t have a face.

2. Makes Readers Feel Connected

Replying to comments makes you more real and they will begin to
think you have more of a connection.

When they feel more connected, they are more likely to trust you
and the products and services you recommend.

3. Shows That You Are Interested

Making personal replies to the comments also shows that you are

People will be more likely to leave comments or to ask questions
if they are convinced they will actually get a response.

4. Adds Another Comment To Your Blog

Another big benefit to replying to each comment that someone
leaves is that it adds another comment to your blog.

The search engine like to see that people are interested in your
content and having a large number of comments (even though half
of them are your replies) will get you ranked higher in the
search engines.

5. Produces More Responses

If you pay attention to the reply you give to each comment, you
can get even more of a benefit.

Instead of just giving a standard answer, you can also include a
question or an interesting comment.

This will likely produce another response from the person who
originally posted.

6. Prompts Additional Discussions From Other People

It will also prompt additional discussion from other people who
are reading the comments.

If you have a blog, remember to pay attention to the comments,
and respond to every one.

It helps your search rankings and will keep people coming back
for more.


Next, you should get a WordPress website.  Once it’s build, start posting to your blog and social media.  Encourage others to leave comments.

Then, reply to all comments on your blog.

Get A WordPress Blog And Encourage Comments

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Why You Should Build An E-mail List From Your Blog

Why You Should Build An E-mail List From Your Blog

Building an e-mail list is one of the most important things you
can do to help your online business succeed, and this certainly
applies to blogging as well.

You can make money without the e-mail list by simply
having affiliate links on your blog posts or making money with
Google Adsense, banner ads, and other forms of advertisements.

If you don’t have a subscriber list, then you’re not making the most of your online business.

When someone visits your website, chances are they’re not going
to immediately buy your e-book or make a purchase
through your affiliate link.

People usually have to see your sales offers multiple times
before they make a purchase, and it always helps to build trust
and relationships on the Internet.

With this in mind, an e-mail list can give you an opportunity to
present affiliate recommendations or other offers multiple times
to your subscribers even if they don’t make you money the first
day they land on the website.

Not only can an e-mail list give you additional opportunities to
make sales, but it can also keep your subscribers coming back to
your blog time and time again.

You can let your subscribers know when you have published a new
high-quality article on your blog, then your followers will keep
returning to your site to read your interesting and helpful
articles and perhaps end up clicking on an ad that makes you

This strategy can help build a long-term authority site with the
community of devoted followers who simply love to come to your
blog on a regular basis (and perhaps tell their friends and
families about your blog as well so it can continue to grow in

They key is to build relationships by not constantly sending
sales offers, but instead providing plenty of helpful content
along the way.

What I Recommend For Email Marketing

I recommend using one of the Email Marketing packages at 

3 Options For Building An E-mail List

  1. For anyone getting started with email marketing.
  2. For anyone who already has clients.
  3. For savvy marketers who have a growing mailing list.
Start Building Your Email List
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Article Marketing Blog

37 Types of Content To Build Your Online Business

37 Types of Article Content

Content is king.  By now, you should know that it takes relevant content to engage with online users and search engines.  If you don’t know that, then just know that it is and that you need to use it if you’re building an online business.

If you don’t use content marketing, then you won’t get found organically.  And, if you can’t get found online, then you’re wasting your time.

Let’s Plan Your Content Marketing

The only other way around writing relevant content for SEO purposes is to pay lots of money in advertising to search engines and social media sites.  Who wants to do that?  Uh, not me!  I’m not fan of advertising unless you need fast results, and even then you need to be careful with how you put together a campaign because you can lose a lot of money there too.

The Solution To Content Marketing

The solution to content marketing is to know the different types of content you can write.  We see it every day, but don’t actually realize that we can apply this to your our own sites and situations.  You also need the proper tools and strategies for article marketing and writing content.

Below is a list of 37 different types of content you can use to improve your online presence and build your business.

37 Types of Content


Articles are written collections of words used to describe any topic, news, product or service. Web surfers want up-to-date, relevant content in very “short, succinct” sizes. An article can educate, inspire or excite the reader.

Blog Posts

Blog Posts (shortened version of Web Log Posts) offer a feeling, idea, topic or news story. These allow others to comment on an interesting subject.

Blog Commenting

Blog Commenting is a fun way to interact – discuss why you “like” or “dislike” a post. Share views, insight and feelings on a subject. People feel better when they are given a chance to add their “two cents” to any conversation.


Books are the foundation of our system of knowledge documenting all of the wisdom passed down through the years. Some people cannot afford or do not feel comfortable with the Internet; they prefer books.


With Brochures, a customer can take the reading material with him to learn more about the products and services you offer. This is a very affordable way to advertise your company or organization.

Case Studies

“Talk is cheap and results matter.” Case Studies show the tangible benefits of a certain course of action. Customers can compare their hopes to what was accomplished when others used a product or service.


Many consumers expect to be able to enjoy the “hands-on” experience of a demo. The sense of touching, maneuvering or virtually handling a product or service can help complete the sale.


The eBooks are taking over as a fast way to read your favorite novel or short story. Electronic media is great for multitasking – listen while you drive or work.


Due to free Email accounts, many people are using this format for communication. Just as cell phones replaced land lines, email might replace cell phones. Smart phones can share links, images and videos sent via emails. A company can compile a list of people who share a certain characteristic and click on “Send” to send Online Marketing material.

Free Trials

Free trials allow a consumer to experiment with a cheaper version of a product or service. The World Wide Web has increased the access to a wide range of free items. Free trials can get the conversation started and create a level of trust.


Images can touch the soul in ways that words cannot. Pictures add texture to any other form of communication permitting a higher dimension of understanding. The Infographic is a new concentrated media format that has great potential for Internet Marketing.

Information Guides

Information Guides can establish you as a Subject Matter Expert (SME), who is a good source for information, advice and reviews. Search engines will give you a higher page rank for people looking for experts. You can establish your authority in a field.

Live Streamed Events

Now! Now! Now! Smartphones, TV’s, Computes, Apple TV, ROKU, SmartStream, etc. have enabled customers to enjoy Live Streamed Events with a large group of people. This immediate gratification creates a common experience for viewers.


“How To” or “DIY” Manuals are powerful ways to reach the independent-minded consumer who wants a couple of tips, a little more information or guidance to complete a task.


Once a brand has been fully developed, it might want to protect its value by standing alone on its own Web site. New products and services could be developed on Microsites to test their viability. If the new brand fails, it is less likely to damage the established brand.


In a busy world, it is nice to receive timely Newsletters outlining the ongoing developments in areas of interest. This can create a “buzz” in prospective leaders who will encourage others to purchase exciting new products and services.

Online Courses

Why go to a “brick-and-mortar” school when you can take Online Courses? You can learn at your own speed while raising a family, retrain or upgrade your skills.


With Podcasts, you can create a media format that can be stored, moved or transferred easily. Diskettes, SIM cards and flash drives have enabled customers to hold large amounts of data in very small electronic devices. Customers can easily download great, exciting, new and innovative content from businesses.


Presentations give customers valuable information that can open up new doors to more knowledge. Internet Marketing can turn a novice into an expert in a short amount of time with professional Presentations.

Press Releases

Press Releases tell people about a new product, service or company. Using the “Who, What, Where, When and Why” template, these informational documents attract attention with “something new” and “ground-breaking.” This can foster word-of-mouth advertising.

Product Data Sheets

Product Data Sheets (PDS) are similar to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) used in the chemical industry. The PDS can include specifications, dimensions, features and functions. It gives the consumer a quick snapshot of the merchandise.


Radio is one of the best media formats for those who are busy doing something else. Mowing the lawn, driving a truck or painting a house are activities uninterrupted by music or talk radio. This is a great unobtrusive format. Many customers will mention a product or service they heard about on the radio, but won’t consciously remember when they heard the commercial. The listening audience also has its own distinct personality.

Reference Guides

If you have some brief concerns that can be answered with a couple of pages, then quick Reference Guides are helpful. Longer than a glossary of terms, these Reference Guides must adhere to the Web models of being “short-and-to-the-point.” Web surfers want information delivered in a matter of minutes to maintain their interest.

Resource Libraries

Just like a house with a storage shed, all Web Pages have files for images, icons and raw text to be used on the site. These elements can be hidden in this back office area to prevent clutter on the main pages. Resource Libraries reduces file storage sizes by reusing items.


The Rich Site Summary (RSS) is used to replicate commonly updated material online: blogs, news and video. These are assembled into a Web feed with a metadata (short reference synopsis). One of the greatest challenges online is to take “very large data files” and store them in convenient sizes. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a family of coding languages that is a more flexible way to write Web Pages.

Social Media Discussions (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

Facebook (FB) has given many people a reason to go online. People can “like” or “dislike” friends, images or comments. Some schools are even using FB to train students. LinkedIn is more of a business network. Social Media Discussions are a popular way to network. More Web pages have a little Social Media icon on them for easy access.


Surveys and questionnaires are great ways to elicit information. This helps customers think about their needs. Most successful entrepreneurs are very busy with day-to-day operations and cannot keep up with the latest developments in Internet Marketing technology. The survey also gives the consultant a starting point for determining what services should be offered.


Television (TV) can reach the most people with the most powerful messages very quickly. It delivers the “most bang for the buck.”


Videocasts are podcasts using videos as content. Multimedia experiences deliver the richest value to customers who can then share them with friends and family.

Web Pages

Your Web Pages are about who you are, what you think, what you value and what you sell. This is the modern way to live your dream. Make sure you learn the industry standards for colors, structure and content to create an appealing “Graphical User Interface” (GUI).

Web TV

Using a set top box, Web TV was envisioned as a combination of the computer and television.


Videos can communicate a message very quickly. This format can entertain while it educates, informs and advertises. Videos are very valuable.


More communication methods are moving online, including the video conference. The Webinar is a World Wide Web seminar providing access to remote areas. It is a great way to bring a lot of people together.


Webcasts use streaming media technology to audiences online. These can be delivered “Live” or “On-Demand.”

White Papers

With origins in political campaigns, White Papers offer a synopsis of important viewpoints. These are authoritative documents outlining an organization’s position, philosophy or outlook on a single subject.


Widgets are little commands, applications or programs adding functionality to a Web site.


A Workbook is similar to the lesson plan used by students. People can practice using workbooks to perfect their knowledge.

What Now?

So there it is.  Now you have seen 37 different types of content you can use to start building your online business. So what now, right? Pick a type and start writing article content.

Don’t Have Time To Write? Hire Me!

I am for hire.  As you might know, I have a full-service writing team and we offer our services on Fiverr and other freelance sites.  I would more than happy to help you write content for your blog and social media posts.  Let me do the creative thinking for you and save you tons of time.

I Will Write SEO Optimized Articles And Blog Post Content

I Will Provide Amazing SEO Content And Article Writing
I Will Write SEO Optimized Articles And Blog Post Content
I Want You To Write For Me
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Article Marketing Blog Content Marketing

Streamline Your New Blog Post and Upload To WordPress Effectively

Writing a new blog posts is simple. Use the following steps advised by WordPress to post effectively so that you can starting building your presence online:

Steps to Adding A New Blog Post by WordPress

  1. Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard).
  2. Click the ‘Posts’ tab.
  3. Click the ‘Add New’ sub-tab.
  4. Start filling in the blanks: enter your post title in the upper field, and enter your post body content in the main post editing box below it.
  5. As needed, select a category, add tags, and make other selections from the sections below the post. (Each of these sections is explained below.)
  6. When you are ready, click Publish.

Main Sections For Writing A Blog Post

The following points are the main sections you need to pay close attention to when writing a new blog post.  These sections will make the difference between a well optimized blog post and one that is not optimized. When using all the sections consistently with relevant content, you’ll be well on your way to establishing your presence online:

  • Article Title
  • Article Body
  • Excerpt
  • Category
  • Tags
  • Featured Image

Article Title

Write the article title in section that looks like the image below:

Add New Post WordPress

WordPress: “The title of your post. You can use any phrases, words or characters. Avoid using the same title twice as that will cause problems. You can use commas, apostrophes, quotes,hyphens/dashes and other typical symbols in the post like “My Site – Here’s Lookin’ at You, Kid”. WordPress will then clean it up to generate a user-friendly and URL-valid name of the post (also called the “post slug”) to compose the permalink for the post.” Resource Link

Article Body

Write the article body content in the section that looks like the image below:

Article Body WordPress

WordPress: “The blank box where you enter your writing, links, links to images, and any information you want to display on your site. You can use either the Visual or the Text view to compose your posts.” Resource Link


Write the excerpt content in the section that looks like the image below:

Excerpt WordPress

WordPress: “A summary or brief teaser of your post featured on the front page of your site as well as on the category, archives, and search non-single post pages. Note that the Excerpt does not usually appear by default. It only appears in your post if you have modified the template file listing the post to use the_excerpt() instead of the_content() to display the Excerpt instead of the full content of a post. If so, WordPress will automatically use as the Excerpt the first 55 words of your post content or the content before the <!–more–> quicktag. If you use the “Excerpt” field when editing the post, this will be used no matter what.” Resource Link


Select a category or add a new one. This section looks like image below:

Post Category WordPress

WordPress: “The general topic the post can be classified in. Generally, bloggers have 7-10 categories for their content. Readers can browse specific categories to see all posts in the category. To add a new category, click the “+Add New Category” link in this section. You can manage your categories by going to Administration Panels > Posts > Categories.” Resource Link


Select post tags or add new ones. This section looks like the image below:

Post Tags WordPress

WordPress: “Refers to micro-categories for your blog, similar to including index entries for a page. Posts with similar tags are linked together when a user clicks one of the tags. Tags have to be enabled with the right code in your theme for them to appear in your post. Add new tags to the post by typing the tag into the box and clicking “Add”.” Resource Link

Featured Image

Upload a relevant featured image to the blog post. This helps to capture the reader’s attention. It’s also used when sharing to social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) This section looks like the image below:

Featured Image WordPress

If you don’t have a featured image, use a stock image from GraphicStock. Get 1 Year of Unlimited Downloads of Stock Images for $99. This is all I use.

WordPress: “A featured image represent the contents, mood, or theme of a post or page. Posts and pages can have a single featured image, which many themes and tools can use to enhance the presentation of your site.” Resource Link


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How To Post To Instagram Weekly With Examples

How To Post To Instagram Weekly With Examples

People love to share photographs, especially mothers with their newborn babies. Instagram allows people to discuss important elements of their lives, develop new ideas and learn about better ways of doing things. Here is how to post to Instagram weekly.

Share Instagram Photographs

Since 2010, Instagram has been a popular photo-sharing app. Unlike Facebook (which might be more for youth) or Twitter (which caters to those wanting instant gratification), Instagram might be more aimed at mothers who want to share photographs and ideas in their spare time. This open network uses “flattering filters” to allow you optimize your photographs. Besides photographs, you can share your recipes, handicrafts and videos, you name it. Instagram is easy-to-use and has garnered a loyal fan base of 500 million active users. In fact, over its entire history, users have shared more than 40 billion photographs. This amounts to an average of 95 million photos and videos per day.

Instagram Parameters

Users can share everything about their lives on their Instagram blog posts. You might want to share baby tips with other mothers or home improvement tips with other carpenters. Perhaps, you want advise on a great vacation destination. Instagram gives people a website for sharing their lives. It is important that users follow certain guidelines when they schedule posts and manage social profiles. Here are Instagram limitations on characters, likes and photographs:

  • Username max of 30 characters
  • Instagram bio max of 150 characters
  • Followers maxed at 7,500 people
  • “Follow” 20 people per hour
  • “Follow” unlimited number of people
  • “Likes” of 350 per hour maximum to prevent spam
  • Review last 300 “Likes”
  • Each post allows maximum of 30 hashtags
  • Comments max of 2,200 characters
  • No photograph limit

Business Instagram Usage

Because of the popularity of Instagram, businesses will also be likely to use this Social Media network. An Instagram marketing campaign is a great way for small businesses to test out their products or services. They can share some photographs with friends and followers and then gauge their response. This social media marketing medium will increase brand recognition. An estimated 48.8% of US brands use Instagram, according to eMarketer. The top global brands will tend to post 4.9 times per week on Instagram, according to Forrester. According to Instagram Advertiser, 50% of Instagram users follow at least one business, 60% learned about a product or service and 75% took action based on an Instagram post. Businesses like Instagram because it has a higher emotional appeal. For example, posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement, according to Simply Measured. Hootsuite has said that Instagram engagement rate is 4.21% per follower, which is better than Facebook and Twitter.

How to Post to Instagram Weekly with Examples

In order to build up brand recognition, you will need to keep your product or service uppermost in the minds of consumers. There are many ways to do this, including having recurring themes for each day. For example, every Monday could be babies. Tuesday, might be kittens. How about Wednesday “selfies?” One challenge is that Instagram only has “one live link, found in the biography.” How can you drive conversions and collect emails, using this format? A useful app for building marketing campaigns on Instagram is ShortStack. You can use visibility settings to schedule posts. Your Instagram marketing campaign must use the same title to create cohesion. Here are the steps to creating a successful Instagram marketing campaign:

  1. Determine what you want to post (i.e. topic, photographs et. cetra).
  2. Create hashtags and links on your post for people to click.
  3. Post on Instagram and convert with clickable links.
  4. Measure performance.

Instagram Posts Ideas

So, now that you have the parameters for how to post on Instagram, what are some examples of solid content? You will need to emphasize high quality content that elicits an emotional response. Here are four Instagram posts ideas:

Campaign #1 is Planning Your Vacation

Business Marketing: #Travel

With Instagram, you can feel like you are traveling to destinations around the world. You could use beautiful photographs and videos to promote a different place weekly. You could tie in airline and hotels, along with their exclusive sales and offers.

Campaign #2 is Weekly Meal Schedule

Business Marketing: Selling home #kitchen ware and appliances

Many wives use Instagram to share ideas. You could promote your kitchen merchandise with recipes of the week. Use a food photograph, food pyramid infographic or “stop motion” video. Link to a food cable show.

Campaign #3 is Dog Webcam

Business Marketing: #Dog accessories

How many people treat their dogs as members of the family? Modern technology allows you to share your dog’s daily events online. Just set up the camera and go. Is pet Social Media marketing, the wave of the future?

Campaign #4 is Cute Baby Photographs

Business Marketing: #CuteBaby

If you wanna sell baby food, soap or clothes, then get your own spokes baby. This is wonderful. You can upload photographs and multimedia with the best toddlers around. Have some fun to elicit emotional responses. Great things to post on Instagram.

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Blog Branding Internet and Businesses Online

Why You Should Get 1 Year of Unlimited Downloads of Stock Images for $99

Unlimited Downloads of Stock Images

If you are a business owner, you know how important it is to spruce up your official company website with plenty of free stock images. Your blog posts, articles, and press releases will carry more weight when you are able to accompany them with unlimited stock images. A picture is worth a thousand words, but did you know you can buy unlimited downloads of stock images for a price that will barely register on your operating budget? Now is the time for you to punctuate every post with an image that will guarantee viewer attention.

An Effective Social Media Post Is One That Includes Exciting Images

People don’t just notice big blocks of text and decide to click on them to investigate further. Nine times of ten, it’s a graphic stock image that draws their eye and makes them want to learn more about what is being presented. As a website owner, you can now have access to unlimited stock images that will guarantee an excellent first impression on all of your forthcoming blog posts and press releases. These handy graphic stock images will give your social media presence a whole new air of purpose and authority. It’s a great way to ensure that your most recent post will stand out in your subscriber’s news feed.

You Can Gain Access to Over 300,000 Photos

The archive features over 300,000 photos, vectors, and miscellaneous illustrations for you to choose from. There is guaranteed to be a suitable image for practically every kind of post you care to make, whether on your official company site, blog page, or social media account.

All photos are public domain, meaning that they are copyright and royalty free. You can use any or all of them in any way you see fit.

Take Advantage of This Amazing New Offer

Spice up your articles and get access to a library of unlimited stock images. Feel free to learn more about what you can do to highlight your content and heighten your visibility. Visit in order to purchase the $99 deal for unlimited downloads of all the photos your site will ever need.

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Blog Internet and Businesses Online

7SFormula is an Instructional Guide for Successful Steps for 7Search

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You may try different content marketing plans and advertising techniques without achieving some impressive results. The technical aspect of software programs can alienate several users. Rob Barbour is offering 7SFormula, which is designed to help the users of 7Search. The content for 7SFormula is presented in more than two hours of videos and in supplemental PDFs. Barbour has compiled step-by-step information to help a person who may be confused about the constructive ways to use 7Search.

Basic Information

The instructions for a new technique are very important because you could get lost in the process if you only had raw materials and hand tools for a construction project. The information in 7SFormula includes the steps for developing and monitoring a marketing campaign such as information about keywords, ads, optimization, traffic and conversions. You can use the steps to help you to optimize your results from 7Search.

Supplemental Information

Many users are blocked from successfully using a product or service when a new update interferes with the accuracy of the information. The users who buy 7SFormula will also have access to updates and future webinars. You will have graphics that you can use for your marketing campaigns. There is also information about bids, lead generation and match types. The secrets to making 7Search work for you can be used to help you to get better results.

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Blog Internet and Businesses Online

FBInfluence Can Dispel Your Fear of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing on Facebook With The Marketing Media Planner Blog By Darren Tunstall

Time and again, we have head business owners say that they have a Facebook site, but they don’t use it. Why? One of the most common objections is they don’t think it is relevant to their audience. Most of the time, putting off using Facebook to generate more business is nothing more than a fear of how to use the social media platform.

The fact is, you can’t afford to ignore Facebook marketing any longer. By not using Facebook to promote your product or service, you are missing out on thousands of potential customer views per day. Those views have the potential to turn into sales, which means you could lose thousands of dollar in profits.

FBInfluence could be your new secret weapon for perfecting social media marketing. If you have been hesitant about venturing into the world of short posts to promote your company, then this program is for you. Don’t fall into the gap that keeps growing bigger between those who use Facebook and those who don’t. The program covers core strategies developed by Andrea Vahl, whom many consider to be the premier authority on how to use Facebook and other social media.

By using this program, you can start creating a flood of leads for your company in virtually no time. Position yourself as a leader in your industry and begin attracting prospects who actually want to do business with you. It’s time to stop making excuses and let Facebook do the work for you.

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Blog Internet and Businesses Online

It Pays To Use The Best Content Marketing Software

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When it comes to marketing your business, it definitely pays to make use of the best and most up to date content marketing software. The tactics that come together to form the modern business strategy of automated content marketing are based on real results achieved on the battlefield of Google search rankings, not in some crackpot’s private lab.

Development Through Real Life Trial And Error

Developing content marketing software is an activity that takes time, patience, and a great deal of research. There’s only one effective way to really learn if a project is successful, and that is by testing it in the marketplace. The techniques that comprise the modern strategy of automated content marketing have been codified by painstaking research and fine tuned by a considerable amount of real life trial and error.

Real Time Solutions For Your Modern Business

The basic strategy that underlies all modern automated content marketing techniques is to get your website ranked as near to the top of a major search engine result as possible. This is the be all/end all of content marketing software. This is why we have labored long and hard to produce the best possible software, backed up by the most thorough real time research. By increasing your visibility on the Web, we help you to increase the ultimate productivity and profitability of your business.

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Blog Internet and Businesses Online

WP Courseware Makes Easy Work of Creating Online Courses

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Over the last decade, online learning has become a viable way to gain knowledge, acquire accreditation or learn a new skill. You may easily impart your knowledge in a physical setting, but when it comes to setting up courses, modules, lessons, quizzes and surveys, you usually struggle for hours on your own.

Fly Plugins has taken the difficulty out of the setting up your organization’s online courses with WP Courseware. This manufacturer of plugins to use on the Word Press platform claims that building and selling online courses is as easy as drag and drop. With the number of features that come with this software, that appears to be the case. The tools contained within this software package will make easy work of your content marketing plan.

Do you think it will only take you hours instead of days to set up your online courses? With the inherent functionality of WP Courseware, you’ll be able to create elements in minutes. Thanks to the drag and drop feature, you can easily arrange course outlines using built-in shortcodes or widgets. Developing your online courses with WordPress has never been easier because other features, such as automatic enrollment means you don’t have to have someone constantly monitoring incoming students.

What’s more, you can easily embed media, an essential for any online course. This software package even has drip feed functionality so you have complete control over course content. Save your valuable time and invest in this software today.

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