Blog Marketing

Marketing Online Should Include A Strategy Proven By Past Performance

Marketing Online Should Include A Strategy Proven By Past Performance

Social marketing online is a smart choice for start-up businesses, as well as, established businesses that are seeking new ways to diversify in an ever-changing environment. Navigating the immense task of taking a business online is accomplished only with the guidance and expertise of a personalized content marketing strategy, formulated by someone who knows how to counter the pitfalls encountered by online businesses. Few leaders in the online world can provide the insights and tools to create a strategy that will distinguish a business, and infuse it with the elements to remain unique no matter the changes in the marketing environment.

Some Previous Articles About Content Marketing Strategy

  1. Social Media Marketing for Startups versus Fortune 500 Companies. Startups and corporations share ways of social media marketing. Yet they also need different strategies. There are several advantages that your startup has over any Fortune 500 company.
  2. Online Marketing, Content Marketing, and Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Mastering Success.  My bestselling book, “SOLD! A Proven Social Media Strategy for Generating Real Estate Leads”, offers proven expertise to anyone engaged in online marketing through content marketing planning.
  3. Use A Content Marketing Strategy That Invites Outside Intel Contributions.  Are you ready to create your online brand? Develop the best content marketing strategy using advice on the Marketing Media Planner blog. I discuss why outside intel can help create rich, fresh content.
  4. Discovering New Improvements On Social Media Marketing For Diversification.  Is your social media marketing diversified? Learn how to position yourself for success using diversified social media advertising. Contact me on the Marketing Media Planner blog to create your own agile media plan today.

Online content is only as powerful as the source which generates it. Social media marketing is best utilized when experience guides the way. I am an example of a powerful blog proprietor who can design and implement an online marketing strategy for any business that has its sights set on being set apart from sub-standard social media advertising campaigns. I have strategies have been proven to generate an online presence not only for potentially great start-ups, but for my own ventures as well. It’s time to start an online marketing strategy based in expert success that will adapt to change and remain effective.

Darren Tunstall
Darren Tunstall has a business degree with an emphasis in Marketing. He is a Content Marketing consultant, where he creates content marketing plans to help individuals, businesses, internal marketing departments and marketing agencies (and their clients) get found online. In most cases, Darren acts as a business productivity coach, helping clients implement marketing plans to achieve online success. Tunstall is a master at search engine optimization (SEO) and is the author of the #1 Bestseller, SOLD! A Proven Social Media Strategy for Generating Real Estate Leads. Mr. Tunstall is a founding partner of
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