Blog Marketing

Why Success Is Unlikely Without an Effective Social Media Marketing Campaign

Why Success Is Unlikely Without an Effective Social Media Marketing Campaign

Egypt, Rome, Paris, London and New York have all served as important centres of world civilization at different times in history. The most successful and relevant tend to concentrate on “where the action is.” In the modern World Wide Web culture, the social media realm is where the action is. Here is why success is unlikely without an effective social media marketing campaign.

According to (, there are 54 million Facebook pages and 48% of users log on every day for at least 18 minutes. These are truly amazing statistics, which have made the “Facebook Like” a part of our lexicon. Facebook is mainstream pop culture.

Go Where the Action Is

Social media marketing taps into the popularity of these websites to make tremendous profits for the owners. When you think of some free services, such as Yahoo or Google, you have to wonder how they make money. They make money on traffic.

Your company also requires a certain level of traffic to visit your physical store or surf your website to be profitable. Accountants will estimate the number of visitors and calculate how much each spends on products and services. The top businesses market to the most popular destinations or marketplaces.

What Are Today’s Trends?

Twitter may be the fastest way to share information about the latest gossip, news or financial headlines. People of all ages can #tweet in a matter of minutes to spread any type of rumor. Sometimes, politicians might “leak” important information to gauge public reaction.

The most successful content marketing strategy will tie in your website into the latest trends. If you don’t know the trends, then you won’t be current or relevant. Customers may see you as out-of-date. Google may not give you a high PageRank.

Those who follow the most current trends, will be able to ride the wave to success. Individuals, organizations, corporations and governments have social media accounts in order to stay relevant.

Social Media Credibility

Another social media trend is Binary Options Social Trading. Investors can follow other traders and compete to make the most money. Sports, gambling and Wall Street all operate on this competitive energy. Just like a telephone number, social media website addresses have become “part of doing business.” Customers will want to know if you are on social media as a sign of legitimacy.

Once you have a social media account, you need a vibrant Social Media Marketing Campaign. Just as you plan for advertising in newspapers or television, you also need to develop a way to tell your customers about your products and services.

Social media is hot and allows you to communicate with your customers, employees and competitors effectively. Without an effective online marketing strategy, your business might become irrelevant.

“Let’s Plan Your Content Marketing.” Contact Darren Tunstall, Marketing Media Planner, to create your content marketing plan, write your content, and schedule it to post to your WordPress site.

Darren Tunstall
Darren Tunstall has a business degree with an emphasis in Marketing. He is a Content Marketing consultant, where he creates content marketing plans to help individuals, businesses, internal marketing departments and marketing agencies (and their clients) get found online. In most cases, Darren acts as a business productivity coach, helping clients implement marketing plans to achieve online success. Tunstall is a master at search engine optimization (SEO) and is the author of the #1 Bestseller, SOLD! A Proven Social Media Strategy for Generating Real Estate Leads. Mr. Tunstall is a founding partner of
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